Sunday, November 22, 2009


Good evening friends! It has been a bit of a while since I posted. This weekend, Friday and Saturday, and Sunday, we did nothing. Well, not nothing, but not much. We took a much needed rest. It was upsetting on some levels, I think Saturday Jennie and I both felt moody. Friday night Riley had four friends over and they stayed nearly all day Saturday too. Asher is grounded for bad grades. Ame on Saturday went to ODP tryouts, that is Olympic Development Program tryouts for soccer! She doesnt' think she made the team, but I'm sure it was a great experience for her. Thanks to her soccer coach Mandy for taking her.

What did Jennie and I do? We watched Dexter. All 12 hours of it. Yep, season one of the show Dexter, which is about a serial killer with a code. I don't recommend this to everyone, but it is one of the best shows I have ever watched. Most well written... I just can't say enough. BUT... it's dark, and not for the faint of heart. Still, as a writer, I admire what these guys have done creating this.

Tonight (being Sunday) Jennie cooked Fried Chicken for us. WOW! It was good. And she actually cooked it. No proxy. We had a family dinner. We took the dogs for two walks. Asher and Riley took them in the morning, and Jennie and I took them tonight. Up here along the trails we just leave them off leash, even Figgy and Boo. Speaking of Boo, she has a rash and was sick all day Saturday. Better today. Anyway, on the walk the dogs just loved it. It was great. we saw LOTS of deer. They live in our backyard. We both reflected on how weird it is my kids haven't explored all the areas yet.

I'm reading my friend John Brown's novel, Servant of a Dark God. He got published before me. How about that? Cool for him. So far it is similar to the draft I remember reading a long time ago.

Jennie read Asher's Sun Sign to him and we were supposed to get together for dinner with Mike Aguilar at the house but he wanted to go out to dinner instead, and we didn't really want to do that since we had dinner cooked here. Riley helped with some orders on the computer.

Well... and we ordered some Graber olives.

Thanksgiving is next week. I can't wait. It was so good of Jennie to cook for us today, and I want to thank her.

Well, have a good great week!!!!

Oh hell, I almost forgot! We watched RSL win the MSL soccer cup tonight! OH WOW! Was that FUN! AWESOME! Salt Lake City has won it's first major professional sports championship! It was just awesome. LOVED IT!


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