Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Yes, today IS Wednesday, but I thought I would tell y'all what happened YESTERDAY. I can't see into the future! So yesterday you are all probably wondering how the house deal is proceeding. We learned that there is a lein on the house for $2,800.00 because the Architectual Committee in the home owners association thinks we have too much CEMENT showing on the side of the house. Either fill it in with dirt or rock it. One or the other. It's a minor thing but it's the kind of thing that worries me about being part of an Home Owners Association. I hate little government entities, as you might know from reading some of my political rants, and these folks seem just like they type to constantly keep me in a state of agitation.

I went to Salt Lake and saw my friend Suzzanne and we had a nice chat about life and the kids. She's a great lady, and gave me lots of insights into Ame and Asher in particular. Afterwards, Jennie got off work at about the time I was done, and we went to the Bombay House for dinner!

My truck is in the shop for some ball bearings that are all shot, and I am driving my Mom's old Cadillac for a day. It's weird. It's HER car, but she's gone. I think it will end up hitting me later on. I miss her and love her, but I've been keeping myself busy which is what I got to do.

Ame had soccer practice last night, and she and the kids made a Pizza and a mess in the kitchen. we got home around 7:00. When I went to say goodnight to them, all of them were in their rooms reading. They are good little readers. It's a good trait I have passed on to them.

We watched Hell's Kitchen last night. I'm a big Gordon Ramsay fan. He's a crazy man, but he knows how to cook and work hard. I read his autobiography and was really impressed with what he's gone through and what he's done to make it. I don't think there are too many men who have worked as long and hard as him. He put in the time, and it's all paying off for him.

Well, that's enough RAMBLING. You 'ain't' got all day to read these posts, do you? I don't think so. It's 6:47 AM and I just finished cooking the kids breakfast and they are now showering and getting ready for school. I'm going to get ready for work!

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